What is New in MIcroStrategy Mobile 9.3?/Vishal(NALGAN)

MicroStrategy 9.3 mainly focused on improvements in end users, developers and mobile. The following are the places where there are changes to MicroStrategy Mobile.
1. MicroStrategy Mobile for iPhone
2. MicroStrategy Mobile for iPad
3. MicroStrategy Mobile for Android
4. MicroStrategy Mobile for Mobile Server

MicroStrategy Mobile for iPhone
Linking with selector values: When linking to documents, the designer can set the value of a selector in the target document to use the current value of a selector in the source document.

AirPlay Mirroring support: Display Visual Insight analyses on an external iPhone 4S display connected to an Apple TV device. The below link helps us how to use iPhone in AirPlay Mirroring.

Data wipe: If a mobile device’s security certificate is invalid, any report or document caches on the mobile device are deleted.
MicroStrategy Mobile for iPad
Cloud Personal account support: You can configure your iPad to access and view the dashboards using your MicroStrategy Cloud Personal account. In iPad MicroStrategy app from settings we can configure MicroStrategy Cloud Personal ID. With this we can view any dashboards created using cloud personal. The below link will help us how to configure cloud personal.

Annotations: Add annotations, such as comments and freehand drawings, to a screenshot of your dashboard, and share the annotated screenshot with your contacts. With this version we can share and email screen shots to contacts. The below link will show us the video how we can use annotations in iPad.

The below screenshot is the excatly the same screen which we share with our contacts.
Laser pointer during Airplay: While presenting Visual Insight analyses using an iPad and an external display, tap and hold the analysis to display a laser pointer.

AirPlay Mirroring support: Display Visual Insight analyses on an external iPad 2 display connected to an Apple TV device. The below video will help us how to connect the iPad and how to use laser pointer during airplay.

Linking with selector values: When linking to documents, the designer can set the value of a selector in the target document to use the current value of a selector in the source document.

MicroStrategy Mobile for Android

Transaction Services support: When using an Android device, MicroStrategy Mobile can take advantage of the following

Transaction Services features:
Attribute element selections for transactions.
MicroStrategy Mobile Server

Pre-cache loading indicator: When creating a custom home screen that displays a single report or document when the application starts, you can choose to display a loading indicator to measure the progress for subscription synchronization and pre-caching. The below screenshot is where we can customize the home screen and add a pre-cache and subscription synchronization bar to the mobile device.
Pre Cache.png

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